Exceptional Insect Control With World-Class Active Ingredient

New generation Circaden® insect control, powered by the Cyazypyr® active, is a revolutionary product that provides early season insect protection for healthier plants from start to finish. It delivers a unique action against a wide spectrum of sucking and chewing pests for a more resilient crop. Applications early in the crop cycle can help protect tender seedlings from nutritional damage and transmission of certain insect-borne diseases, especially when used as part of a pest management programme.

Wide-Spectrum Control

Circaden® 200 SC insect control from FMC is now available in South Africa and offers broad-spectrum control in crops against harmful insects such as whitefly, aphids, thrips, leaf miners and Lepidoptera. Circaden® 200 SC improves crop establishment in crops such as tomatoes, peppers and cabbage, through early season soil application during planting or transplanting (soaked seedling trays or drip irrigation).

Exceptional Plant Health

“Cyazypyr® in Circaden 200 SC is a world-class active ingredient that controls a wide spectrum of damaging insect pests” explains Ben Schoonwinkel, FMC’s Head of Business for South Africa. “It is an excellent option for growers to use in an early application to promote plant establishment and growth, especially in vegetables. Crops respond very well and show exceptional plant health in the early stages due to the reduction of crop stress.”

Cyazypyr® is a potent anthranilamide insecticide that enables growers to control several key pests. A large number of field, greenhouse and laboratory studies conducted in many countries have shown that Cyazypyr®containing products are very effective against various species of both chewing and sucking pests, in a large variety of crops.

Selective Pest Control

The unique properties of Cyazypyr® allow selective control of pests while preserving beneficial arthropods. Cyazypyr®based insecticides have an excellent ecotoxicology and environmental profile. These properties make Cyazypyr® a valuable element of integrated pest control and is compatible with IPM programmes. Depending on local cropping systems and temporary pest occurrence, Cyazypyr® can be applied either as a soil application (pre-transplant drench) or by drip irrigation.

Mode of Action

Cyazypyr® is part of Group 28 according to the IRAC mode of action classification scheme. Thanks to its unique mode of action on sucking pests, Cyazypyr® has shown equal performance against susceptible and resistant pest populations. Laboratory results show that Cyazypyr® is not affected by resistance mechanisms known to confer resistance to other insecticides.

The insecticide binds to ryanodine receptors which can be found on the sarcoplasmic reticulum of the insect muscle. The activation of those receptors causes the release and depletion of intracellular calcium leading to muscle contraction and paralysis. Symptoms include rapid cessation of feeding, general lethargy, paralysis and eventual pest death. These features help prevent direct crop damage and slow the transmission of some plant virus and bacterial pathogens spread by thrips and Hemiptera pests such as whiteflies or aphids.

Effective Insect Behavior

With all the benefits of Cyazypyr®, long-acting Circaden® 200 SC offers a unique action that effectively influences insect behaviour by impairing muscle function. Insects rapidly stop feeding, resulting in excellent plant protection. In addition, Circaden® 200 SC has a favourable environmental profile and is ideal for IPM programmes.

Increased Crop Vigor

To find out more about how Circaden® 200 SC insect control can increase the vigour of your crops for stronger, healthier plants with better quality and higher yields, visit the FMC website at www.ag.fmc.com/za/en or contact your nearest FMC area manager.

Circaden® 200 SC, Reg. No. L11488, Act No. 36 of 1947, contains cyantraniliprole (anthranilic diamide) – 200 g/l (Cyazypyr), caution, harmful if inhaled, very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

FMC Chemicals (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 44, Postnet Menlyn, Waterkloof Glen, 0181, Republic of South Africa. CIRCADEN® 200 SC and Cyazypyr® are trademarks of FMC Corporation or its affiliates.

One Response

  1. I’m looking for CIRCADEN 200 SC,I’m located near Louis Trichardt in Limpopo.In what litre containers are they sold .

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One Response

  1. I’m looking for CIRCADEN 200 SC,I’m located near Louis Trichardt in Limpopo.In what litre containers are they sold .

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