tomato greenhouse

THE DOUFU RZ F1 TOMATO VARIETY: A Grower’s Perspective

The world of tomato cultivation is constantly evolving, with new varieties offering growers the potential for higher yields, better quality, and improved resistance to diseases. One such variety making waves in the horticultural industry is the Doufu RZ F1, developed by Rijk Zwaan. This intermediate, beef-type tomato variety has been gaining popularity due to its impressive performance across various growing conditions.

Tomato greenhouse

Overview of Doufu RZ F1

The Doufu RZ F1 is a versatile tomato variety that can be cultivated in single or multi-span plastic greenhouses, making it suitable for a wide range of climates and regions. Its adaptability, combined with the superior fruit quality, makes it an excellent choice for growers looking to maximize their production.
The variety is characterized by its balanced, open plant structure that maintains good vigor throughout the growing season.

This vigor is crucial, as it ensures the plant can support a consistent fruit set and development, even under challenging conditions. The average fruit weight ranges from 160g to 240g, making it ideal for markets demanding medium to large-sized tomatoes.

Fruit Quality and Market Appeal

One of the standout features of the Doufu RZ F1 is its exceptional fruit quality. The fruits have thick walls, which not only contribute to a more robust and resilient product but also improve shelf life. This is a significant advantage for growers and distributors, as it reduces losses during transportation and storage.

The fruit colors easily to a glossy red, free of green shoulders, a common issue that can affect the aesthetic and market value of tomatoes. This uniform coloration is highly desirable in the market, as it signals ripeness and quality to consumers. Additionally, the fruit has a good Brix value, indicating a favorable balance between sweetness and acidity, which is key to consumer satisfaction.

Adaptability to Different Growing Conditions

One of the most appealing aspects of the Doufu RZ F1 is its adaptability. This variety thrives in various greenhouse environments, whether single or multi-span structures. Its adaptability allows growers in different regions, from spring to autumn, to cultivate it successfully, providing a continuous supply of high-quality tomatoes throughout the year.

This adaptability is not just limited to different climates but also to various levels of expertise among growers. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer to tomato cultivation, the Doufu RZ F1 offers a manageable and rewarding growing experience. Its balanced growth habit and vigor make it easier to manage, reducing the need for intensive pruning or training, which can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Disease Resistance

Doufu RZ F1 tomato

In modern horticulture, disease resistance is a crucial factor when selecting tomato varieties. The Doufu RZ F1 boasts an impressive array of resistances that make it a reliable choice for growers. It has high resistance (HR) to Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV), Leaf Mold (Ff), Fusarium Wilt (Fol), Stemphylium (Sbl), and Verticillium Wilt (Va/Vd). These diseases can be devastating to tomato crops, leading to significant losses if not managed properly.

The high resistance of Doufu RZ F1 to these pathogens means growers can have greater confidence in their crop’s health and yield potential. In addition to these high resistances, Doufu RZ F1 also exhibits intermediate resistance (IR) to root-knot nematodes (Ma/Mi/Mj), which are another common issue in tomato cultivation.

These microscopic pests can cause severe damage to tomato roots, leading to reduced water and nutrient uptake and ultimately impacting plant health and fruit production. The intermediate resistance offered by Doufu RZ F1 helps to mitigate these risks, further enhancing its suitability for diverse growing conditions.

Yield Potential and Economic Viability

For growers, yield potential and economic viability are always at the forefront of decision-making. The Doufu RZ F1 does not disappoint in this regard. Its combination of good fruit set, consistent size, and high marketable yield makes it a profitable choice. The balanced plant vigor ensures that the plants remain productive over an extended period, providing a steady harvest that can meet market demands.

The thick fruit walls and good shelf life translate into fewer post-harvest losses, which is another crucial aspect of economic viability. Reduced losses mean that a higher percentage of the harvested fruit can be sold, increasing overall profitability.

Moreover, the excellent fruit quality ensures that the produce commands a premium price in the market, further enhancing the grower’s return on investment.

Cultivation Best Practices for Doufu RZ F1

To maximize the potential of the Doufu RZ F1 variety, it’s important to follow best practices in cultivation.

Here are some key recommendations:

  • Greenhouse Management: Given that Doufu RZ F1 is suitable for single or multi-span plastic greenhouses, ensure that the greenhouse environment is well-managed. This includes maintaining optimal temperature, humidity, and ventilation to prevent disease outbreaks and promote healthy plant growth.
  • Irrigation: Consistent and appropriate irrigation is crucial for maintaining plant vigor and fruit quality. Drip irrigation is recommended, as it delivers water directly to the root zone, minimizing water waste and reducing the risk of foliar diseases.
  • Fertilization: The balanced growth habit of Doufu RZ F1 requires a well-planned fertilization strategy. Ensure that the plants receive adequate nutrients, particularly nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, to support strong vegetative and generative
  • growth and fruit development. Regular soil testing can help fine-tune the fertilization regime.
  • Pest and Disease Management: Although Doufu RZ F1 has strong resistance to several diseases, it’s still important to implement integrated pest management (IPM) practices. Regular monitoring for pests and diseases, combined with the use of biological controls and targeted chemical interventions when necessary, will help maintain plant health and productivity.
  • Pruning and Training: While the open plant structure of Doufu RZ F1 reduces the need for intensive pruning, some maintenance is still required. Regularly remove any diseased or damaged foliage, and ensure that the plants are adequately supported to prevent fruit from touching the ground, which can lead to rot.

Case Studies and Grower Testimonials

Several growers have already experienced the benefits of cultivating the Doufu RZ F1 variety. For instance, a grower in Southern Spain, who traditionally struggled with Fusarium Wilt (Doufu has resistance against two of the three strains), reported significantly reduced disease pressure after switching to Doufu RZ F1. The grower also noted an increase in marketable yield and a higher average fruit weight compared to the previous variety.

Another grower in the Netherlands, operating in a multi-span greenhouse, highlighted the uniform fruit size and excellent shelf life of Doufu RZ F1 as key advantages. The grower was able to extend the marketing period of the tomatoes, reducing the need for frequent harvesting and allowing for better labor management.

Market Opportunities and Future Prospects

As consumer demand for high-quality, flavorful tomatoes continues to grow, varieties like Doufu RZ F1 are well-positioned to meet this demand. The combination of exceptional fruit quality, adaptability, and disease resistance makes it a strong contender in both domestic and international markets.

Looking ahead, the future prospects for Doufu RZ F1 are bright. As more growers adopt this variety and share their success stories, it’s likely that demand for seeds will increase. This could lead to further innovations in breeding, potentially enhancing the variety’s characteristics even more.


The Doufu RZ F1 variety from Rijk Zwaan offers a compelling package for tomato growers. Its adaptability, combined with exceptional fruit quality and strong disease resistance, makes it an excellent choice for a wide range of growing conditions.

Whether you’re looking to improve yield, reduce losses, or enter new markets, Doufu RZ F1 provides the tools you need to succeed. As the market for high-quality tomatoes continues to expand, this variety stands out as a reliable and profitable option for both seasoned growers and newcomers alike.

For more information contact:
061 120 3082

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